Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Wonderful Snow Event

We finally received our big snow for the 2006/2007 Winter!

The latest measurement I have here at home is 3.5 is continuing to snow @ 11:34 pm and the NWS says we may get 1-2 more inches before the system pulls away.

Some locations to our north and east are reporting upwards of 5 inches. I'll be interested to start seeing some numbers in the morning.

Roads are snow-covered and very hazardous at the current temperature is 23 degrees and falling...winds are gusting as high as 20 mph giving us a wind chill reading of 8 degrees...brrrrrrrr!

We really got to see how elevation effects how much snow we get as we drove from down near Manchester, TN through McMinnville to Sparta and here to Cookeville. Manchester barely had any snow on the ground and we began to see more and more accumulation the higher we got. Really interesting...

I'll get some pictures at first light and post them!

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