Thank you veterans for the job you do for all of us. A history of Memorial Day is available by clicking on the title of this post or here.
Our forecast is for continued DRY weather on the Cumberland Plateau as well as all over the Southeastern United States. Many areas are experiencing drought-like conditions. Fire danger is high across several states. Back here on the Plateau, a Special Weather Statement has been issued for an elevated fire danger.
The next best chance for rain appears (right now) to be on Thursday and Friday. Currently, the experts put it at a 20% chance...but, at 4-5 days away, I'm reserving any hope for rain until we get much, much closer.
One last thing, the National Weather Service put together a comprehensive look at our current lack of rainfall. If you'd like to read it, click here. Thanks to News 2's Meteorologist Justin Bruce for locating this article.
Special Note on Today's Links...anything that is underlined can be clicked on and will take you to the article being referenced. For some of you, this is very elementary...while others will learn something new today! Have a wonderful Memorial Day 2007.
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