More storm damage from Friday, June 29th here in Cookeville. All of the damage was from an East South Easterly direction. This is very odd for our part of the country. You are looking south and this first picture. The damage is a roof of a Quizno Sub. Note Jack In The Box and Longhorn Steakhouse in the background.

This is a building right below the one you are viewing above. It has a Baskin Robbins in it along with a mattress store and several other things. Note the sheet metal wrapped around the satellite dish. Best Western is the motel in the background and in the far background, the Tennessee mountains!

Picture #3 is storm damage at Nick's Restaurant which is next door to the two buildings above. They sustained soffett damage and other roof damage (some of which is viewable). Nick's also lost one face of their on-premise sign (not pictured). Side note on Nicks. It has been a stable, wonderful restaurant in Cookeville for the past 36 years. Nick Philson and his family are excellent people. We love going there for a GREAT meal.
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