Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fall Colors!

This map (from The Weather Channel) shows our area in 'peak conditions' for Fall Colors. Took a 'peek' outside my home to offer up some fall colors here. It's only a few pictures, but hey, we've got a 1-month old, so my priorities are her right now! ;)
Nice mum photo from our front porch.
The above picture is from our neighbor's front yard.

This one is in our front yard.
Our weather forecast is for mostly dry conditions with the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday where showers are in our seven day.


Mike Wilhelm said...

Nice colors....and I'm glad you are giving your time to the little one. You will never regret that! What a blessing and what an opportunity!

MTWC said...

Yes I agree Mike. I'd say if anything we are at or even a little past peak in terms of foliage.

Dewdrop said...

During my excursion yesterday, I noticed quite a bit of color change. Nothing like the fall foliage colors in the mountains though. I would love to be up your way...

Michael Detwiler said...

I had to travel yesterday up to Jamestown, TN. The colors were simply incredible! My digital camera and video camera were BOTH at home. What was I thinking?

Mike Wilhelm said...

Always take that camera. The colors are peaking in my community now. I need a new camera now. AllI have is my son's which isn't that great.


Member-American Meteorological Society