Our local weather forecast for Cookeville, TN
Middle TN FUN Weather Fact of the Day (courtesy of the NWS)
On this date in 1989, a major winter storm strikes Nashville leaving 40,000 homes without electricity.
Temperatures have warmed overnight. At midnight, we stood at 41°...now we're at 45°. Temps will rise another 10° today along with a good chance for rain today and tonight. Rain will stay in our forecast over the next several days as a weak and disorganized system stays put over Tennessee. While we won't have day after day of a washout, we will have the on and off variety of showers.
My Weather Station LIVE
Wunderground Radar
Nat'l Weather Service Radar
I am working on getting my weather station information to post on a couple of websites. One is WeatherForYou.com and the other is AnythingWeather.com
Should have these going in the next day or so.
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