Normal Highs and Lows for this date in Cookeville, TN are 46 and 26. We'll push 67 for a high today...our record is 69 from 1998 while the record low is -3 from 1970. Last year, we were at 59 and 41.
Here is another interesting fact. So far for 2008, our average high has been 38.2 and the average low 14.5. We'll definitely change those figures over the next day or two!
Here is our latest, local weather forecast.
Tuesday evening could be a bit bumpy...stay tuned to your local TV and Radio Stations for the latest.
Hey Mike, this is Clay from MTWC. I was wondering what Cookeville's elevation was because there is a point inside Davidson County with an elevation of near 1200 ft. Just thought I'd put that out there
Hi Clay...we're at 1100 feet of elevation here...1118 at my station to be exact...I'll check a few others and get back with you...
1731 feet in eastern Putnam County near Monterey.
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