Sunday, July 5, 2009

Your Sunday Weather Forecast

Michael and his family are taking a much-deserved break.
He anticipates being back next week.

Since it is Sunday, why not take in a church service today? If you do not have a home church or, for some reason are unable to attend, check out Michael's home church. The services are live, on the web, at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. CDT.

*Latest Local Forecast*

Weather History for This Date
July 5th
1891-A severe hailstorm in Rapid City, SD kills 16 horses.
1883-A wind gust of 61 mph is recorded in Nashville
1968-Clarksville's low of 47 and Crossville's low of 50 is a new July record for both towns.

Fun Weather Site of The Day
One of my favorite weather pages is a local one here in Cookeville. It is run by our local Emergency Management Agency. The site, CPCEMA WEATHER PAGE, is available by clicking here. The CPCEMA also has a Facebook page. They would love it if you would 'friend them'.

Cookeville's Daily Almanac
July 5th
Normal High: 87°
(Record: 97° in 1930)
Normal Low: 65°
(Record: 51° in 1967)
Last Year: 84° and  67°
2.43" rain fell on this date in 1941
Be sure to join me on Facebook and request to be my friend. We have a great community of weather folks.

I'm also on Twitter and enjoy adding people to my 'following' list and invite you to 'follow' me. Twitter is a great way to keep up quickly!

Lastly, you can read my latest weather post over the Examiner website where I handle duties as the Nashville Weather Examiner.

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Member-American Meteorological Society